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Double Serum Eye
20 ml
Harga sekarang Rp 1.300.000
Rp 1.300.000
Mata adalah jendela jiwa, dan menjaga area mata tetap muda dan segar sangat penting untuk penampilanmu secara keseluruhan. Double Serum Eye hadir sebagai serum mata yang efektif mencegah dan menyamarkan tanda-tanda penuaan serta kelelahan di area mata, seperti kantung mata, lingkaran hitam, mata lelah, garis halus, dan pembengkakan. Yuk, kenali lebih dalam tentang produk revolusioner ini!
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Shop Men's Face Care Products Online at Clarins Singapore
Understanding men’s face care and its importance
Effective skin care for men takes more than just washing your face with whatever cleanser is at hand. Just like the ladies, your skin could stand to benefit from a thorough men’s facial care routine complete with cleanser, moisturiser, facial toner, eye and anti-ageing products. Depending on whether you have normal, oily, dry/sensitive, combination or ageing skin, there are plenty of men’s skincare products to help you tackle your skin concerns.
A brief guide on the ideal men’s skincare routine
A man’s facial care routine should consist of a cleanser, toner, scrub, moisturiser, sunscreen, eye cream and anti-ageing cream to ensure all bases are covered.
Cleansers & Toners
Age Control
Anti-ageing products
UV Protection
Cleansing and toning should be done twice daily to ensure you remove dirt, grime and excess oil to prevent clogged pores and breakouts. A clean canvas is a must for the following steps to ensure you’ve rid your face of pollutants, hence it’s important to follow up with a men’s facial toner.
If you have the time for it, exfoliating is also a great way to ensure your skin successfully sheds dead skin cells and other pollutants that cause dull skin. Save some time in your skincare routine with a men’s 2-in-1 exfoliating cleanser like our Clarinsmen Exfoliating Cleanser if you’re not keen on adding extra steps to your skincare regime. Exfoliation should be done at least twice a week to remove deep-seated pore-clogging debris. However, don’t get overzealous with the exfoliators as scrubbing too often can also result in dried out, sensitive skin.
An additional benefit of exfoliating is that it gives you a cleaner, closer shave. Are razor burns, nicks and cuts common occurrences when shaving or post-shave? Always use a men’s foaming gel like our ClarinsMen Smooth Shave when shaving to provide a smoother, friction-free shave. For a post-shave remedy, try applying a layer of men’s soothing aftershave like our ClarinsMen After Shave Energizer to reduce irritations and soothe razor burns.
Once your skin is cleansed and purified, it’s time to move on to moisturising. A lightweight men’s moisturiser like our Super Moisture Gel will help deliver a shot of hydration to your skin, all while keeping skin cool and non-greasy so your skin will remain shine-free. Moisturising delivers soothing nutrients to your skin while creating a barrier to protect it from pollutants. A general men’s skin moisturiser is important to hydrate your skin but you should not neglect your eye area as well. True to the adage of the eyes being windows to the soul, your eye area will show the ravages of time long before the rest of your face will as it is the most sensitive part of your skin. Hence eye products specifically designed for men should also be a part of your skincare regime as they will help to reduce puffiness, dark circles and fine lines to showcase bolder, brighter eyes.
Signs of ageing become apparent in men starting from the age of 25 onwards, thus it’s essential to delay the onset before it’s too late. While most men would opt to stop at just the bare bones of a skincare routine, we advise you to add on two often overlooked but crucial steps:
When sunscreen is unnecessary when you’re in the comfort of your own home, you should apply men’s anti-wrinkle treatment instead. The ClarinsMen Revitalising Gel will work wonders on your skin to reverse the effects of time while you sleep so you can wake up with smoother, evenly toned skin with less visible fine lines.
Sun damage is one of the leading causes of premature aging, therefore it would be wise to regularly apply sunscreen with SPF30 to be safe. ClarinsMen UV Plus Anti-Pollution offers you SPF50 protection, well above the recommended minimum limit for SPF protection.
Shop more men’s face care products at our site.